What happens to my payment if I experience technical issues during a session?
If you experience technical issues during an online session and wonder what happens to your payment, please review the following statements from our Terms of Use:
If a student and tutor experience technical issues in the online classroom, and the session runs for less than five minutes, the student will be refunded the full amount of the session. The tutor will not be compensated for this time.
If a student and tutor experience technical issues in the online classroom, and the session runs for more than five minutes, the student will be charged the prorated amount until the session ends. The tutor will be compensated for the prorated amount.
If you are experiencing technical difficulties that cannot be fixed by trying out one of the resolutions in our
technical support article, please end the session immediately with the reason being "technical difficulties" and book another session immediately. To do so, please follow the instructions below:
1. Click the "Leave" button located in the top right corner of the online classroom.
2. Select "Technical Difficulties" as your reason for ending the session.
3. Select which issue best describes the issue you are experiencing.
4. Click the "End Session" button. Once complete, the charge/payment for your session will be reversed and will return to your original method of payment within 5 to 10 business days.