How much can I earn and what are the fees?
Independent Tutoring
If you are one of our independent tutors, you determine your rate and how often you want to work. You can get students from the TutorOcean platform or you can bring your own students. If you are new to tutoring, we suggest that you set your hourly rate to be competitive until you start gaining some reviews from students and establishing yourself on our platform.
TutorOcean charges tutors a fee on all paid sessions, where TutorOcean provides the student to the tutor. Tutors who bring their own students are charged a lesser fee on paid sessions. Click on the link below for details on how fees are charged:
Institutional Partnership Tutoring
If you are a tutor working through your school's tutoring program, or through another institution, your rate, as well as fees paid to TutorOcean, are determined by your program administrator. . Always verify with your program administrator if in doubt, or send an email to